home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* GrabURL.rexx
- v1.5 - 29-Jun-97
- This script grabs all URLs from the current message and displays them
- in a requester. From that requester you can send the URL to your browser.
- Currently supported browsers are AWeb, IBrowse and Voyager.
- All URLs which end with a character in variable dup_chars will be
- duplicated and displayed also without that character.
- The script requires rexxreqtools.library and reqtools.library.
- Send bug reports, comments and government secrets to knikulai@utu.fi
- Now you can find my scripts also at http://www.utu.fi/~knikulai/ARexx.html
- If you send a message with subject REQUEST INDEX, you'll get a list
- of my AREXX scripts. REQUEST <filename> will get you the script you
- want.
- */
- options results
- call addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30,0)
- call addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0)
- browser='run <>nil: Work:IBrowse/IBrowse' /* Change this to suit your system */
- hotlist='Work:IBrowse/IBrowse-hotlist.html' /* Link may be added to this file */
- dup_chars='.,!?"*%&)' /* If one of these ends the URL, it will be duplicated */
- wid=70 /* how many characters of the URL is shown? */
- maxbut=17 /* How many buttons fit the screen ? */
- maxurl=17 /* How many lines of URLs fit the screen ? */
- title='GrabURL.rexx by knikulai@utu.fi'
- not_found='Sorry, could not find any URLs!'
- found_these='The following URLs were found:'
- error_msg='Could not open file for reading!'
- desc_txt='Enter description for' || '0a'x
- tags='rt_pubscrname=YAMSCREEN' /* Change here the name of the screen YAM runs */
- NL='0a'x /* newline */
- uc=0 /* URL-counter */
- address 'YAM'
- GetMailInfo File
- fname=result
- if open(msg,fname,'R') then do
- do until eof(msg) | uc=maxurl
- rivi=translate(readln(msg),' ','"')
- rivi=rivi || ' ' /* Just making sure there is a space at the end */
- do while uc<maxurl & (pos('FILE://',upper(rivi))>0 | pos('HTTP://',upper(rivi))>0 | pos('FTP://',upper(rivi))>0)
- /* There might be several URLs on one line */
- b=pos('HTTP://',upper(rivi)) /* beginning */
- if b=0 then b=pos('FTP://',upper(rivi))
- /* Adding other types is easy, just add a line like this: */
- if b=0 then b=pos('FILE://',upper(rivi))
- e=pos(' ',rivi,b) /* ending space */
- call AddURL(substr(rivi,b,e-b)) /* save URL */
- do while pos(right(url.uc,1),dup_chars)>0
- /* Add another URL without the last character */
- spare=left(url.uc,length(url.uc)-1)
- call AddURL(spare)
- end
- rivi=right(rivi,length(rivi)-e)
- end /* do until pos('HTTP://'*/
- end /* do until eof(msg) */
- if uc=0 then
- call rtezrequest(not_found,,title,tags)
- else do
- body=found_these || NL
- buttons=''
- do i=1 to uc
- if i<10 then
- shortcut='_'
- else
- shortcut=''
- if i<=maxbut then buttons=buttons || shortcut || i || '|'
- body=body || i || ') '
- if length(url.i)<=wid then
- body=body || url.i || NL
- else
- body=body || left(url.i,40) || '...' || right(url.i,wid-43) || NL
- end /* do i=1 to uc */
- buttons=buttons || '_Ok'
- sel=rtezrequest(body,buttons,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=0' tags)
- if sel>0 then do
- lst=show('P') || ' '
- no_browser=1
- if pos('MINDWALKER',lst)>0 then do
- address 'MINDWALKER' 'OpenURL '|| url.sel
- no_browser=0
- end
- if pos('VOYAGER',lst)>0 then do
- address 'VOYAGER' 'OpenURL '|| url.sel
- no_browser=0
- end
- if pos('IBROWSE',lst)>0 then do
- address 'IBROWSE' 'GotoURL ' || url.sel
- no_browser=0
- end
- if pos('AWEB',lst)>0 then do
- address value substr(lst,pos('AWEB.',lst),6)
- 'Open ' || url.sel
- no_browser=0
- end
- if no_browser then do
- address 'YAM'
- buts="_Run browser|_Add URL to hotlist|_Exit script"
- if ~exists(hotlist) then buts="_Run browser|_Exit script"
- 'Request "No browser is currently running! What do you want to do?" "'buts'"'
- if result=0 then exit
- if result=1 then
- address command browser url.sel
- else do
- if ~open(6,hotlist,'r') | ~open(7,'t:gu.tmp','w') then do
- 'Request "Could not write to hotlist" "_Ok"'
- exit
- end
- do until upper(line)='<UL>' | eof(6)
- line=readln(6)
- call writeln(7,line)
- end
- desc=rtgetstring(url.sel,desc_txt || url.sel,title,,tags)
- if desc='' then exit
- call writeln(7,'<LI><A HREF="'url.sel'">'desc'</A>')
- do until eof(6)
- line=readln(6)
- if ~eof(6) then call writeln(7,line)
- end
- call close(6)
- call close(7)
- address command 'copy' hotlist hotlist || '.old'
- address command 'copy t:gu.tmp' hotlist
- address command 'delete t:gu.tmp'
- end
- end
- end /* if sel>0 then do */
- end /* else */
- end
- else
- call rtezrequest(error_msg,,title,tags)
- exit
- AddURL:
- parse arg u
- do i=1 to uc
- if url.i=u then return
- end
- uc=uc+1
- url.uc=u
- return